The Gulf oil spill of 2010 can become the latest biggest disaster in recent history, or our greatest blessing. We get to choose. Most writers, pundits, and commentators will tell you about the disaster and how bad it’s going to be. Here you’ll hear about the blessing. I’ll tell you now; if we follow the line of remediation that is being followed right now, the latest biggest disaster will be ours. Bigger ones will follow. However, if we choose a different path, which I firmly believe enough people actually want to do, then we’ll reap benefits that heretofore we’ve only dared to dream of privately.
Without going into a lot of detail here, I’m simply going to take this opportunity to introduce two men who, together, represent the kind of thinking, along with the products and services to back it up, that can truly turn the Gulf Oil disaster into a hiccup that did no lasting harm. In addition, their remediation strategy would not the waters in the Gulf of Mexico from becoming a dead zone, it would return it to its LIFE SUSTAINING state.
The men are Jerry Bakke, who runs Organic Miracle, Inc., of Muskogee, OK, and Joseph Johnson, Chief Operating Officer of ABC Organics, Inc., of Port Hueneme, CA. You’ve met Joseph before in two of my recent videos on the effects that PHOTONIC water (www.photonicwater.com) transformation technology has had on one of Joseph’s client strawberry fields. I also had Joseph as a guest on a recent episode of my radio show, Talk For Food. He represents the kind of inquisitive original thinking that is too often missing on our college campuses these days, which too often stress conformity over originality.
Jerry Bakke, owns a large parcel of mineral rich land in the Southwest United States, soon discovered that, when prepared a certain way and applied to diseased land, plants, or waters, dramatic improvements tended to happen. Imagine the quandary a citrus grower with diseased trees might have. Do you cut it down, or nurse it to health? That is, if you can find out what’s wrong. How much time and money does it take to turn things around, especially when we turn to chemicals to try to solve the problem. Bakke witnessed, time and time again, problems going away and health returning when his products were mixed with water and sprayed on the target. Worked like a miracle, so the name Organic Miracle seemed appropriate.
Enter the Gulf oil spill.
We’re loading a living sea with more chemicals, killing off miles upon miles of marine life, apparently oblivious to the effect that this devastation will have on humanity. One video on Fox Business is asking the question whether the Gulf oil spill will kill future oil drilling. When that is the extent and depth of one’s world view, the world is in jeopardy. Fortunately, theirs is only one perspective.
I sat down recently with both Jerry Bakke and Joseph Johnson and asked them about their collaboration. Below is a video beginning. There’s far more to be said on this subject, some from these gentlemen, and from others. But we’ve got to begin seeing the life sustaining solution as the only viable solution to sustain life. As “bright” as we think we’ve become, until life enhancement becomes our focus rather than damage control, we merit low grades in our studies in the school of life.
Jerry Bakke’s site is: www.buildingabetterworldgreen.com
More about the blessing will follow.
Ashton Kucher, (aplusk), twittered about this. Absolutely awesome, efficient and viable means to clean up oil spill. I hope everyone sees it!
The problem now, is the oil is continue to flow into the gulf Of Mexico, and BP have no ideas how to to stop it. In my opinion Obama should take charge of this problem, and send the military there, and instead of the mud, they should pump down the pipe several big bombs to different levels in the pipe below the sea floor , starting at the 20 000 feet level, and blow up the bombs all at ones. Obama should of done this the very first day.
Greetings from sunny and hot Ontario, Canada, Adam…Wow! What an encouraging segment….and how can we make this happen? and happen soon. For my part, I will “put it out there” that these gentlemen need to have a chance to offer their solutions to this huge problem. It sounds like what they are proposing is definitely worth a shot, with the INTENTION to clean up and restart new life as being the major focus…I’m sure these large petroleum companies are mainly concerned about law suits, loss of product and maybe then, the environmental havoc they have created. Please keep up posted on how this progresses, and thank you for sharing these encouraging ideas with us.
Hi Julie! Bioremediation IS the answer to the oil problem. This is the chemical vs. natural approach drama being played out on a planetary scale. How will we “treat” our injured planet? Will we ASSIST AND ENHANCE her NATURAL restorative processes? Or will a small group of people throw CHEMICALS at the problem, HOPE they APPEAR to go away, and exchange hi-FIVES with our shareholders on the WINDFALL they’ve made? We MUST continue informing ourselves on HOW TRUE HEALING WORKS IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD, because when we successfully remediate Mother Earth, we will have developed a way to successfully remediate ANY pathology. It may sound too simple, but I believe that is why we’ve been kept from learning it, teaching it, practicing it, and knowing it. When we choose synthetic chemicals with restoring the microbial factions that are destroyed, subtle natural microbial chains that would NATURALLY restore BALANCE are broken. Many people see this as a disaster, but I see it as a far greater OPPORTUNITY, IF we make a different choice. And if we want to save the Gulf of Mexico from becoming a WASTELAND, we MUST make that choice. It’s a just matter of time before enough people HEAR this and WAKE UP. I sincerely believe that it WILL HAPPEN.
Bravo, Adam! I’m with you 150% !